Monday, November 26, 2007

Derek Wheeler
Blog 7

I do like nature but I do not get to camp out or go on hikes very much. Come to think of it, I have only gone one hike in my life. And because I live in the country, there are not many places to go camping. And in winter, it is too cold to camp out some where. Although, every year, my parents and I go to New York to visit relatives who live in the Adirondack Mountains. But I haven’t gone camping, while visiting relatives, for about eight years.
The latest time that I’ve gone camping was on a fishing trip that a friend invited me to. The fishing trip wasn’t as fun as I thought it would be because first, when I went it was early in spring so nights were still very cold. Second, I only brought one fishing pole and when I went fishing, there were sticks hidden in the water so when I cast the net out, the hook got caught on one of the sticks and broke off when I tried to reel in the line.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Derek Wheeler
Blog no 9

Of course, I wouldn’t want to lose any of my five senses. But if I had to choose one to lose then it would probably be the sense of touch. I have plenty of reasons why I wouldn’t want to lose any other sense.
I wouldn’t want to lose the sense of smell for two reasons. First, I wouldn’t be able to smell food cooking or air fresheners. Second, it could be a danger without smell because if there is a flammable gas leaking in a room and I light a match, I would die or become seriously injured.
Losing the sense of taste would drive me insane. Not being able to taste pies, cakes, chocolate or any other kind of food would be torture.
I would never want to lose the sense of sight would make my life extremely boring but also dangerous. I would never be able to play games again and I would always have to be careful that I don’t trip over something.
If I lost my sense of hearing, I would never be the same. Music is so great and it even relieves stress. I would also never be able to sing again, which I love to do, or be in chorus class.
That only leaves the sense of touch. It would be terrible to lose the sense of touch but at-least I wouldn’t feel any pain ever again.